
Graphic Design
Print Publication
UnitingCare Queensland is an unincorporated not-for-profit organisation. On behalf of the Uniting Church, they are engaged in the provision of health and community services. UnitingCare Queensland operates out of one of the largest not-for-profit hospital groups in Queensland. 

The organisation is built on compassion. You’ll see it in their 17,400 employees and 9,200 volunteers. Each year, they work with more than 430,000 individuals, families, and communities in over 460 locations.
Attune Hearing
UnitingCare also provides health care, disability support, aged care, and crisis response in Queensland through BlueCare, Lifeline, Buderim Private Hospital, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital, The Wesley Hospital, and St Stephen’s Hospital. They also provide community, aged care, disability, and mental health support in the Northern Territory through ARRCS.

UnitingCare Queensland’s key publication is the Year in Review annual report which provides a detailed analysis of elder abuse occurring throughout Queensland. The organisation’s focus and Year in Review report is to provide a strong advocacy tool to demonstrate what elder abuse is as well as to inform prevention and response strategies. 

Anchor was entrusted with this strong advocacy tool and was tasked with incorporating branding into their annual report. It was essential to the organisation that the information be displayed clearly to ensure it created its full impact while also not appearing too clinical. 
Attune Hearing
The Anchor team got to work with a focus on excellent readability and brand alignment. Our designers incorporated a minimalist approach that separated the information into clear sections. The layout was carefully curated, with graphs, diagrams, and tables used to visualise the data and break up long sections of text. To further increase the readability, our designers deliberately used white space to add clarity, allowing the eye to flow through the information while also emphasising the most important points.
Not only was the readability important, but it was also crucial that the advocacy and inclusiveness of the annual report were portrayed. Images were carefully chosen to display a broad range of ethnicities and emotions, with not all smiling, to demonstrate elder abuse further and inform prevention.

Anchor has been tasked with Uniting Care’s Year in Review annual report for the last four years, continuing to produce a strong advocacy tool that is easy to read and aligns with the organisation’s message and brand.
Attune Hearing
Attune Hearing