Brand Identity & Communication

Your brand identity tells the world who you are and what you stand for. If you haven’t yet asked yourself, “Who are we?” it’s time to start. According to Aristotle, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. John C. Maxwell said, “To grow yourself, you must know yourself.” Self-awareness is instrumental for growth in business too. Your brand identity is made up of several elements, including your values, how you communicate, how you represent yourself and how you want the public to see you. Although your physical materials and their appearance are an extremely important part of the equation, your brand identity is more than just your logo or the colours and fonts on your product. It’s a statement of who you are through brand communication and a promise to your potential customers.
Consistency is essential: everything from your website to your business cards to your product packaging should present this identity. Coca-Cola is a powerful and world-famous example. When you see the bright red logo and white text or the distinctive bottle shape, you instantly know exactly what you’re going to get. The brand identity is recognisable, comforting and promises familiar pleasures.

Sometimes strategic brand communication involves building your identity from the ground up. Chances are you already have a sense of your business’s identity: why you started, what your goals are, and what you want to provide customers.
Anchor, a Brisbane-based full-service creative marketing agency, can help you clarify this identity and make it consistent across various forms of brand communication, differentiating yourself from the competition in interesting ways.
As a Brisbane agency, Anchor recognises that building the right brand identity is a process. Our first step is always to speak to you to ensure we capture an accurate sense of your brand. If you’re a new business, we’ll help you define yourself and express that across your communications. If you’re an established business, we’ll ask what projects you’ve worked on recently and what prompted a rebranding. Our first goal is to understand what you think is working and what isn’t. Then we can address the different aspects of your overall identity and the process of defining it, including:
Design Services
Creative Services
Graphic Design


When you started your business, whose problems were you hoping to solve? What did you plan to do differently from others in your field? Knowing who your target audience is will help you gain clarity on your business objectives and who you should target your campaigns towards.
Market research is one of Anchor’s methods for helping you achieve that goal. When you understand exactly what both your existing and potential customers are looking for, it makes a clear mission statement that is much easier to define.Anchor also examines and analyses your competitors so that you know how your peers are positioning themselves and how you can move beyond their successes.

Brand Design and Assets

Every element of your design, from your typography to your font to your colour scheme, should visually enhance your brand over different materials.
No detail is unimportant, and Anchor can help you craft the kind of image you want to convey and make it consistent across mediums. Your design reflects who you are as a brand, and certain choices like colour have more impact on how the public feels about your brand than you might expect.

The Brisbane-based Anchor team will build you a portfolio of assets that consider all brand touchpoints both online and off.


Your logo is far from the only element of your brand identity. But it’s an important part of your design that will be prominently displayed across your different materials and become a powerful symbol of it. Just about everyone recognises the logos for Apple, Nike, Mcdonald's or Starbucks, and when you see them, it’s enough to conjure up a strong sense of the brand and its products.
At Anchor, we can create a logo for you that’s timeless, aesthetically appealing, accurately captures a sense of who you are and sticks in people’s memories.

Tone of Voice

What is your brand voice? Are you casual and friendly, motivating and inspiring, serious and authoritative? Your brand voice is how your company sounds, the distinct personality that shines through across all your forms of communication. Your brand voice is an important part of creating great content, being memorable, and of coming across as consistent and reliable.
Anchor can work with you to create a brand voice that consistently demonstrates your personality and brand promise. Whether you want to educate, excite or reassure potential customers, we can capture your essence with the right words, an authentic tone and compelling storytelling.


One of the challenges of defining a brand identity and distinctive voice is choosing how to communicate with the public and keeping your brand voice consistent across communications. Your website, blogs, social media, e-mails etc., all offer opportunities to speak to people. We can show you how to express your brand promise clearly, with stories that move people emotionally as well as motivate them to action.
The Anchor team are expert in branding and brand communication in Brisbane. Drop us a line, and we’ll help you express yourself to the world powerfully and authentically.
Employees sitting in Anchor Digital boardroom
Form and Function
Using state-of-the-art tools, programs and techniques, Anchor create aesthetically appealing web design solutions that focus on improving a user’s experience.
User-friendly, responsive design is our priority. Looking good is not enough, the site also needs to function effectively across different devices. We design for conversions: speed, useability, in-depth information that informs but doesn’t overwhelm your visitors, and landing pages with simple yet effective data capturing tools.

Our web design & development will accurately reflect your brand identity. We’ll accurately represent your brand identity and the characteristics of your business you want the public to see.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an important factor in web design, and we’ll ensure the design on your site pleases both users from the initial point of contact. Smooth development work, readability, the right wireframe and URL structures and ease of navigation are all elements we pay close attention to.
Mockups of brochures and pamphlets
For Brand Identity to Visual
Anchor are a full-service web development company, meaning you won’t be shuffled from one office to another and back again.
Anchor are a full-service web development company, meaning you won’t be shuffled from one office to another and back again. Our creatives conceive powerful content and web design and our developers code it into your website. A first-class technical team perform these functions collaboratively and in-house. We treat speed and responsiveness as the high priorities they are, and repeatedly test until we know we’ve got the approach right.

There’s more to a website’s development than what the public sees. Behind the colours, layouts and fonts lay carefully chosen digital tools, coding languages and deep technical knowledge. While the visuals appeal to the viewer, the programming languages determine the functionality and ensure the site is easy to use. The markup, coding and scripting happens behind the scenes to ensure that what’s displayed to the public looks great and runs smoothly.

Web development can include everything from creating a stand-alone website for customers to find themselves on to developing an e-commerce store or content management system (CMS).

Web design and development are not opposites but two complementary functions that work together powerfully. This collaborative approach is one that Anchor brings to development of your brand, website, marketing strategies and every other service we offer.
Someone holding a phone up inside
Digital Assets
Unique, original photography is useful for your website for a number of reasons. It visually represents your brand and its personality, helps you appear more credible and professional, and drives conversions.
Considering that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, photography is a powerful way to quickly tell your brand story. Including authentic-looking photos of people on your website makes you appear more trustworthy, while including photos of your products gives customers further context and a visual reputation of what you have to offer.

Stock photos that look too generic can actually reduce your conversions, a pitfall that Anchor can help you avoid.
Video is immensely popular and the demand for it is only increasing. 86% per cent of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool and the majority have said that doing so has increased their sales.

Photos and videos show the world who you are rather than just telling, and Anchor can provide photos and videos that show the world the real you in a genuine and inspiring way.
2 brochures on a coloured background
Printing and Publications
For a different approach that’s visually pleasing and effective at catching visitor’s attention, you can try adding illustration or animation to your webpage.
Adding illustration or animation is eye-catching, memorable, enhances your brand identity and can be a fun, interactive way to direct web users to where they should navigate to next.
Anchor will help you with distinctive animation and illustration services that strengthen rather than distract from the user's experience and your brand identity.
For web design & development that takes a multi-faceted strategic approach to building the right website for your brand, drop us a line.


How to define brand identity

How to find your brand identity

What is brand communication?

How do brands communicate with consumers?

What does a brand communication manager do?

What is integrated brand communication?

What is strategic brand communication?

What is the difference between marketing communication and brand communication?

What is included in a brand strategy?

Which targeting option is best for achieving brand awareness?