Brand Strategy

A powerful brand strategy communicates your promise to your customers. It integrates different elements and techniques in the pursuit of your business goals. It’s not static but fluid and ever-changing. It involves knowing your mission statement, the value you bring, who your customers are, and what your competitors are up to. Your brand strategy solidifies everything you stand for, and your marketing strategy gets the word out.
The most recognisable brands in the world aren’t in their position by luck or by accident. Experienced marketing strategy professionals with clear and outstanding brand strategies helped them to get where they are. When a brand inspires certain feelings in you: nostalgia, warmth, positivity, trust, there’s usually an effective brand strategy at work behind the scenes.
Your brand, brand identity and brand strategy are not the same thing, even though you may sometimes hear them used interchangeably. If your brand is what people say about you and the feelings you invoke, your brand strategy is the methodology you use to get there.
But, like any marketing strategy, there needs to be consistency. The different aspects have to be working with and not against each other. Anchor takes a synergistic approach to communicate to the world exactly who you are.
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Brand Story

What inspired you to start your business, and why you’re passionate about what you do: these things matter. They humanise your brand, and customers feel like they know and can trust you. People are hardwired to respond to storytelling. They love to hear about what motivated you to begin your brand and how it still motivates you to do the very best you can today. Or how you overcame adversity to get where you are.
Humble beginnings and obstacles along the path are a lot more interesting for a brand identity than rattling off a list of highlights.

Yet finding the right words to intrigue and captivate customers is not an easy feat. That’s where Anchor can take over.

Brand Positioning

Chances are, there are products similar to yours. So how do you become a household name or even the epitome of what you bring to your industry?
Brand positioning is where you sit in customers’ minds, and Anchor can make sure you occupy a high position. If you need help finding and emphasising what’s distinctive, unique or remarkable about you, Anchor can see it and help you to show it with an effective brand strategy. 

Brand Promise

A brand promise is a simple statement that describes the experience you provide to your customers. People always know what to expect from Coca-Cola, McDonald's, BMW, and Apple, even if the brand promise itself is brief: BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine” or Apple’s “Think Different”.
Finding the right words can be hard, and living up to them is even harder.  If you deliver on what you promise, it builds trust among your customers. If you fall short of expectations, it does the opposite. That’s why Anchor works with you on your promise and your delivery.

Brand Voice

How do you want the voice of your brand to sound? Wise and authoritative? Young and fun? Friendly and relaxed? A brand voice is a personality that runs through all of your brand’s communications. In a strong brand strategy, consistency is key: when you have a consistent brand voice, customers know what they’ll get from you and perceive you as someone they can trust.
Brand voice consistency boosts your credibility and your revenue, while an erratic brand voice does the opposite. While you can vary the tone based on the piece of content, it’s important to maintain a recognisable personality over different forms of communication. If you need help coming up with a voice that authentically reflects your brand identity, Anchor can help. We’ll help you find a unique, genuine brand voice that communicates your intent and your value clearly.

Brand Values

Every brand has values, something that they stand for. It may be offering a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly solution, or it may be as simple as offering the highest-quality products on the market or the most attentive customer service.
Like your brand voice, your brand values need to be consistent – and you have to walk the walk. Your brand values will depend on your target audience, the industry you’re in, and what your competitors are doing. Ideally, you’ll share values with your customers.

Chances are, you already have brand values you do business by. But if you need it, Anchor can clarify them and infuse them throughout your marketing strategy and everything you do.

Brand Design

Your brand identity exists in the public’s minds, but your brand design is the physical aspects that conjure up those warm, positive associations: logo, colours, fonts and other elements of style.
Done right, these elements will strengthen your public perception, drawing in new customers and serving as signs of reliability and trust for the existing ones. The right colours, the right text, the right images: in the right hands with the right brand strategy, everything is a deliberate stylistic choice designed to reflect your identity.

Drop us a line for brand strategy - strengthened by research, data and testing – that puts you at the forefront of potential customers’ minds.
2 men on stairs
Brand Story
What inspired you to start your business, and why you’re passionate about what you do: these things matter. They humanise your brand, and customers feel like they know and can trust you. People are hardwired to respond to storytelling. They love to hear about what motivated you to begin your brand and how it still motivates you to do the very best you can today. Or how you overcame adversity to get where you are.
Humble beginnings and obstacles along the path are a lot more interesting for a brand identity than rattling off a list of highlights.

Yet finding the right words to intrigue and captivate customers is not an easy feat. That’s where Anchor can take over.
Employees sitting in the boardroom
Brand Positioning
Chances are, there are products similar to yours. So how do you become a household name or even the epitome of what you bring to your industry?
Brand positioning is where you sit in customers’ minds, and Anchor can make sure you occupy a high position. If you need help finding and emphasising what’s distinctive, unique or remarkable about you, Anchor can see it and help you to show it with an effective brand strategy.  
Building better humans poster
Brand Promise
A brand promise is a simple statement that describes the experience you provide to your customers. People always know what to expect from Coca-Cola, McDonald's, BMW, and Apple, even if the brand promise itself is brief: BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine” or Apple’s “Think Different”.
Finding the right words can be hard, and living up to them is even harder.  If you deliver on what you promise, it builds trust among your customers. If you fall short of expectations, it does the opposite. That’s why Anchor works with you on your promise and your delivery.
Girl singing drawing on poster
Brand Voice
How do you want the voice of your brand to sound? Wise and authoritative? Young and fun? Friendly and relaxed? A brand voice is a personality that runs through all of your brand’s communications. In a strong brand strategy, consistency is key: when you have a consistent brand voice, customers know what they’ll get from you and perceive you as someone they can trust.
Brand voice consistency boosts your credibility and your revenue, while an erratic brand voice does the opposite. While you can vary the tone based on the piece of content, it’s important to maintain a recognisable personality over different forms of communication. If you need help coming up with a voice that authentically reflects your brand identity, Anchor can help. We’ll help you find a unique, genuine brand voice that communicates your intent and your value clearly.
Lady smiling
Brand Values
Every brand has values, something that they stand for. It may be offering a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly solution, or it may be as simple as offering the highest-quality products on the market or the most attentive customer service.
Like your brand voice, your brand values need to be consistent – and you have to walk the walk. Your brand values will depend on your target audience, the industry you’re in, and what your competitors are doing. Ideally, you’ll share values with your customers.Chances are, you already have brand values you do business by. But if you need it, Anchor can clarify them and infuse them throughout your marketing strategy and everything you do.
Moving picture of Vallentine's Honey mockup
Brand Design
Your brand identity exists in the public’s minds, but your brand design is the physical aspects that conjure up those warm, positive associations: logo, colours, fonts and other elements of style.
Done right, these elements will strengthen your public perception, drawing in new customers and serving as signs of reliability and trust for the existing ones. The right colours, the right text, the right images: in the right hands with the right brand strategy, everything is a deliberate stylistic choice designed to reflect your identity.Drop us a line for brand strategy - strengthened by research, data and testing – that puts you at the forefront of potential customers’ minds.


Why brand strategy is important?

How much does a brand strategy cost?

How to create a brand strategy roadmap?

Is branding a marketing strategy?

What does a brand strategy look like?

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What is a brand strategy document?

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