
Anchor helps you get clarity on what you want to communicate and how you want to communicate it. Then we take a look at the best techniques for the task.

As the digital marketing industry constantly evolves and new developments emerge, the best techniques can change. We keep up to speed on the changes, modifying and adapting when necessary.

If you need to build your strategy from scratch, we can help you identify your unique selling proposition (USP) and collect data on target demographics.
No matter how fast changes in the industry seem to be taking place, we take a step back to ensure we have the right marketing strategy in place before springing into action.

As a full-service creative marketing agency, we don’t just offer marketing strategy, we offer creative strategy. What can you do better than your competition? We’ll help you demonstrate it to the world – powerfully.
Getting where you want to be takes planning, and not every solution is right for everyone. Every time we launch a campaign, we anchor it in a solid strategy.

Workshop Facilitation

We can gather your talent and ours in a room together to see what kind of insights emerge. Our marketing strategy workshops unite great minds for creative, collaborative sessions with practical results. We’ll discuss, brainstorm, set goals and emerge with a blueprint strategy and a plan of action. Don’t be surprised if we’ve laid out a strategy map that takes you even further than you planned to go.
Marketing Strategy
Creative Strategy

Brand Positioning

We can emphasise what’s unique, what’s favourable and what’s outstanding about you and present that to your ideal customers with our creative strategy. The power of brand positioning is undeniable. When it’s done exceptionally well, it can position your company as the epitome of your product. It can even turn your brand name into the universal term for all products of the same type: another Coke, Aspirin, Jet Ski, Kleenex or Google.

But cutting through the digital noise, let alone becoming a household name, isn’t easy. It’s important to know your unique brand proposition, where you sit in the marketplace and what your competition is up to. By mixing data insights with creative strategy, we help you understand your position. We can then show you how to move to higher ground by connecting with potential customers and providing value.

Brand Strategy

Like everything else we do, we take a big-picture approach to brand strategy – and that includes your company’s identity, positioning, mission and message. We’ll help you get clear on your goals and your target audience. When you know exactly what you want and who you need to reach, we’ll help you grow with a strategy backed by data, steeped in research and strengthened with rigorous testing.

Our blueprint will give you the tools to connect with your target audience, offer value, outlast competitors, and shape your reputation so your name itself paints a positive mental picture.
Marketing Strategy

Customer and Market Research

In a noisy online space, we’ll help you cut through loud and clear. Instead of trying to speak to everyone and fighting to be heard, we’ll help you bring your solutions specifically to use who need them.

Every day, thousands of web users are typing their inquiries into search engines, trying to find products and services like yours. Using the latest technology and insights, we can identify who they are, what they want, where you can find them and how you can speak to them.

Diving deep into the data, we’ll conduct efficient market research that doesn’t waste one iota of time or resources. And going forward, we’ll create a strategy that speaks consistently to your target audience.

Marketing Strategy

With an in-depth knowledge of your messaging, your objectives, your ideal clients and your budget, we focus on the right tools and techniques to build your brand. Marketing strategy isn’t one-size fits all, and there’s room for a variety of approaches, from organic search to social media to pay-per-click. Our content marketing focuses not only on the technical aspects that will move you up the search engine’s rankings but on material that’s informative and useful for web users. Through continuous testing and refining, we’ll guarantee your strategy remains strong. We’ll walk you through your campaign rollout, gather insights, steer you towards key milestones and improve again and again.
Creative Strategy

Acquisition & Retention Planning

While the right approach to marketing will help lead customers to your business, it’s equally important to motivate them to come back. Providing every customer with a quality product and a pleasant customer service experience will mean a steady flow of repeat business and growth via word of mouth. While loyalty programs and customer feedback are beneficial techniques, there’s no substitute for a friendly, helpful experience that makes a customer feel like a person, not a number. We help you go beyond ticking the boxes with a multi-faceted approach that attends to every aspect of the customer experience.

Anchor can see the full picture, where you are and where you can be. For a thorough, research-informed strategy that lays out the roadmap to your goals and paves a clear path to reach them, drop us a line.