Web Design & Development

Having a website is just the beginning. To make it to the front page of Google’s search results, your site needs to be relevant, easy to use and outstanding. Anchor’s approach is to combine web design and web development in a reciprocal way to help your brand grow.
For many web users, your website is their first impression of you and your brand. And first impressions count. How do you feel when you look at a brand’s webpage and find it sloppy, poorly designed and difficult to navigate? It doesn’t exactly inspire a high level of confidence in their services. Compare that with a website that’s well-designed and easy to find your way around–the difference is massive. 

75% of people judge a company’s credibility based on the quality of its website. Even in a city like Sydney, Australia’s largest local economy with limitless potential to reach new demographics, a good website counts. It reaches new customers and clients in the place they’ll be most likely to look for you: online. 
Web design is about the website’s appearance and the user’s experience; web development is the coding and scripting that happens behind the scenes. Both are essential and when they collaborate in synergy, you have a powerful strategy to work with.  

If you’ve been looking for web design in Sydney that makes a strong first impression, Anchor can help you achieve your goals. When we step into the dual role of web developer and web designer, we create a website that represents your brand identity and your story at its best.
Design Services
Creative Services
Graphic Design

Web Design

Web design refers to a website’s appearance (logo, graphics, layout, etc.) rather than the more technical details like coding.
Although aesthetic appeal is important, a website’s usefulness is based more on how it works than how it looks. That’s why web design focuses on creating a website that’s functional and responsive across multiple devices rather than just attractive.   

While web designers often know some coding, it isn’t their main focus, which is one of the reasons that partnering with developers is so important. The benefits of having a smart-looking, attractive website are numerous. It makes your business appear more reputable and trustworthy. It increases sales. It ranks higher in search engines, where quality is a major factor, and it positions you as an authority in your field. 

Your competitors have websites. Your potential customers will be looking at both yours and theirs to make a decision about who to buy from or work with. With the help of Anchor’s web design, your site can become your greatest asset in Sydney.

Web Development

While web development usually refers to markup and coding, it’s become a bit of a catch-all phrase for all the work that goes into building a website, including network security configuration, CMS building and eCommerce development.
These days, most Internet users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you can lose up to half of your customers. Web developers recognise this and take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening. Although a lot of their role is done behind the scenes, what they do makes a major difference. 

Web developers work with programming languages like HTML, CSS, and C++ and use coding languages to work on both the front end of a website (the side you see as a web user) and the back end (the infrastructure, which goes unseen). 

The Anchor Approach

As a full-service creative marketing agency, Anchor approaches web design in Sydney in a way that combines the talents of both our designers and developers.
We bring together our different backgrounds to create a website that will catch the attention of your ideal user and drive conversions. Because our designers come up with engaging visuals and our developers code them to life, you don’t have to shuffle from office to office. 

We’ll create a website that does more than showcase your contact details. It tells your story in an engaging way. At the start of the process, we’ll present you with a comprehensive wireframe and detailed design mockups and invite your feedback. We’ll take on board your feedback about the designs that we present: their colours, logos and fonts. When we have a design for your website that you’re happy with, our developers will get to work coding it. The entire process is a collaboration between both our designers and developers as well as between you and us. 

Tracking and testing are two areas we have a lot of experience with and two measures we can put in place as part of our role as web designers and web developers for Sydney businesses.  

Drop us a line for a website that makes a strong first impression. 
Get in touch

Web Design

Web design refers to a website’s appearance (logo, graphics, layout, etc.) rather than the more technical details like coding.
Although aesthetic appeal is important, a website’s usefulness is based more on how it works than how it looks. That’s why web design focuses on creating a website that’s functional and responsive across multiple devices rather than just attractive.   

While web designers often know some coding, it isn’t their main focus, which is one of the reasons that partnering with developers is so important. The benefits of having a smart-looking, attractive website are numerous. It makes your business appear more reputable and trustworthy. It increases sales. It ranks higher in search engines, where quality is a major factor, and it positions you as an authority in your field. 

Your competitors have websites. Your potential customers will be looking at both yours and theirs to make a decision about who to buy from or work with. With the help of Anchor’s web design, your site can become your greatest asset in Sydney.
A woman working behind her laptop

Web Development

While web development usually refers to markup and coding, it’s become a bit of a catch-all phrase for all the work that goes into building a website, including network security configuration, CMS building and eCommerce development.
These days, most Internet users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you can lose up to half of your customers. Web developers recognise this and take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening. Although a lot of their role is done behind the scenes, what they do makes a major difference. 

Web developers work with programming languages like HTML, CSS, and C++ and use coding languages to work on both the front end of a website (the side you see as a web user) and the back end (the infrastructure, which goes unseen). 

The Anchor Approach

As a full-service creative marketing agency, Anchor approaches web design in Sydney in a way that combines the talents of both our designers and developers.
We bring together our different backgrounds to create a website that will catch the attention of your ideal user and drive conversions. Because our designers come up with engaging visuals and our developers code them to life, you don’t have to shuffle from office to office. 

We’ll create a website that does more than showcase your contact details. It tells your story in an engaging way. At the start of the process, we’ll present you with a comprehensive wireframe and detailed design mockups and invite your feedback. We’ll take on board your feedback about the designs that we present: their colours, logos and fonts. When we have a design for your website that you’re happy with, our developers will get to work coding it. The entire process is a collaboration between both our designers and developers as well as between you and us. 

Tracking and testing are two areas we have a lot of experience with and two measures we can put in place as part of our role as web designers and web developers for Sydney businesses.  

Drop us a line for a website that makes a strong first impression. 
Get in touch