From carefully selecting the right keywords to writing blogs to building links, Anchor can help you harness the power of search engine optimisation (SEO) for success.
When you type something into Google, how far through the results do you look to find the answers you’re looking for? With one trillion searches on Google daily, reaching people who would benefit from your product or service shouldn't be too hard. Yet most never click past the first page of results. How do you get noticed among the seemingly endless noise and competition?

As Australia’s third-largest city, Brisbane is an excellent place to base your business. It’s a family-friendly city with a growing population and strong sporting, hospitality, arts, culture and nightlife scenes. The perfect clients might walk past your office every day, but Anchor will help them find you where they’re most likely to be looking: on search engines.
While Google is the biggest and most famous search engine, there are benefits to ranking on the others as well, just like there are benefits to using SEO in Brisbane. When you work with Anchor, you get all the benefits of a Brisbane-based SEO agency.

Anchor can work with you to develop the right SEO strategy in Brisbane.
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What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimisation) is the art and science of appearing at the top of search engine results using organic (i.e. non-paid methods).
This makes SEO different from other techniques like pay-per-click advertising, which will take you to the top of Google for a fee.

Search engines scour all the available information and websites on the Internet and rank them in indexes to pull up when necessary. When you type a particular phrase into the search box, the search engine will show you what it has determined to be the most relevant results.

Despite all the focus on search engines, so much of being an SEO specialist is about appealing to the human eye. Well-written content and websites with good UX (user experience) rank higher than rushed or robotic content.

Despite countless articles declaring that “SEO is dead” over the years, organic search still drives half of all website traffic. It just takes a dedicated SEO consultant or company to stay on top of the changes. Anchor can provide the right kind of SEO services in Brisbane to have your business ranking.

SEO Techniques

Services that an SEO agency in Brisbane can provide include:

Keyword research

Keywords are the words and phrases that web users type into search engines to find you. When you know what keywords you already rank for, you can determine which ones to target. Keywords not only appear in the text on your website but also in subtle locations like H1 tags and meta titles. Anchor can help you find new keywords and find the best place for them so you can attract new visitors to your site.


Marketers that focus on blogging receive a 13x higher return on investment, and businesses that post four or more blogs a week are rewarded with 3.5x more traffic. Cheaper than traditional marketing methods, producing web content is a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website. But we understand that you have little time to blog every week with a business to run. That’s why we step into the role. We can write about your industry in your tone of voice while including both the right keywords to rank and the information to establish you as an authority in your field.

Link building

One of the most important factors for ranking on Google is how many other websites link to you. Links to your site from other sites are called backlinks, and there are several ways to build them. One of the simplest yet more effective ways to achieve this is simply to contact other websites and ask them. Another is to become a trusted authority that bloggers and journalists are inclined to link to. Anchor can help you find the right words and take the right approach to see success using all methods.

Content strategy

Anchor can help you with every stage of planning and executing a powerful content strategy to help you achieve your goals.

Benefits of SEO

Some of the biggest advantages to using local SEO or engaging the services of an SEO expert in Brisbane include the following:
  • It’s a powerful way to increase traffic to your website, leading to increased conversions and more revenue.
  • It’s a lot cheaper and more cost effective than more traditional forms of marketing.
  • It increases your brand's credibility, builds trust and positions you as a leader in your field.
  • It makes your site easier to view on other devices, like mobiles.

SEO in Brisbane

Anchor isn’t just focused on search engines. Good SEO ultimately comes down to making your content helpful and easy to read for humans, and that’s what we’re most focused on.
As a full-service creative agency based in Brisbane, we can help your business stand out with information and keywords relevant to both this city and your industry.

Drop us a line for SEO in Brisbane!
Get in touch

What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimisation) is the art and science of appearing at the top of search engine results using organic (i.e. non-paid methods).
This makes SEO different from other techniques like pay-per-click advertising, which will take you to the top of Google for a fee.

Search engines scour all the available information and websites on the Internet and rank them in indexes to pull up when necessary. When you type a particular phrase into the search box, the search engine will show you what it has determined to be the most relevant results.

Despite all the focus on search engines, so much of being an SEO specialist is about appealing to the human eye. Well-written content and websites with good UX (user experience) rank higher than rushed or robotic content.

Despite countless articles declaring that “SEO is dead” over the years, organic search still drives half of all website traffic. It just takes a dedicated SEO consultant or company to stay on top of the changes. Anchor can provide the right kind of SEO services in Brisbane to have your business ranking.
Lady sitting indoors surrounded by plants

SEO Techniques

Services that an SEO agency in Brisbane can provide include:

Keyword research

Keywords are the words and phrases that web users type into search engines to find you. When you know what keywords you already rank for, you can determine which ones to target. Keywords not only appear in the text on your website but also in subtle locations like H1 tags and meta titles. Anchor can help you find new keywords and find the best place for them so you can attract new visitors to your site.


Marketers that focus on blogging receive a 13x higher return on investment, and businesses that post four or more blogs a week are rewarded with 3.5x more traffic. Cheaper than traditional marketing methods, producing web content is a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website. But we understand that you have little time to blog every week with a business to run. That’s why we step into the role. We can write about your industry in your tone of voice while including both the right keywords to rank and the information to establish you as an authority in your field.

Link building

One of the most important factors for ranking on Google is how many other websites link to you. Links to your site from other sites are called backlinks, and there are several ways to build them. One of the simplest yet more effective ways to achieve this is simply to contact other websites and ask them. Another is to become a trusted authority that bloggers and journalists are inclined to link to. Anchor can help you find the right words and take the right approach to see success using all methods.

Content strategy

Anchor can help you with every stage of planning and executing a powerful content strategy to help you achieve your goals.

Benefits of SEO

Some of the biggest advantages to using local SEO or engaging the services of an SEO expert in Brisbane include the following:
  • It’s a powerful way to increase traffic to your website, leading to increased conversions and more revenue.
  • It’s a lot cheaper and more cost effective than more traditional forms of marketing.
  • It increases your brand's credibility, builds trust and positions you as a leader in your field.
  • It makes your site easier to view on other devices, like mobiles.
3 people laughing together in an office

SEO in Brisbane

Anchor isn’t just focused on search engines. Good SEO ultimately comes down to making your content helpful and easy to read for humans, and that’s what we’re most focused on.
As a full-service creative agency based in Brisbane, we can help your business stand out with information and keywords relevant to both this city and your industry.

Drop us a line for SEO in Brisbane!
Get in touch