The more content you have that includes the most popular keywords for your industry, the better your SEO rankings will be. High-quality content not only improves your page rankings, it helps to convert web users into customers.
Content marketing managers develop, plan and oversee the entire content marketing strategy of a business.
Branded marketing is a marketing strategy that avoids selling a product to customers directly and instead focuses on building brand awareness, having conversations with potential customers and helping people form a connection with the brand. Branded content focuses on building your brand value with storytelling rather than sales tactics.
Content marketing strategy focuses on attracting, informing, engaging and retaining potential customers with relevant content such as blogs, articles, videos, social media posts and podcasts.
Digital content marketing means all content marketing that takes place over the Internet, from websites and blogs to e-mails and pay per click (PPC).
Content marketing has so many benefits it would take an entire article to cover them in detail. It answers your potential customers’ questions, generates leads, improves your visibility and conversions, positions you as an authority in your field and costs less than traditional marketing methods.
Content marketing is used by the overwhelming majority of marketers, and most of them rate it as very effective. Cheaper than offline marketing methods, it provides a high return on investment (ROI), makes a major difference to your SEO rankings and builds your customer’s trust.
Content marketing drives sales by helping you build a reputation as an authority in your field, driving engagement with your audience (e.g. in social media posts), generating leads and providing your customers with the solutions they need.
While e-mail marketing is often considered a kind of content marketing, the two terms don’t share the same meaning. While content marketing is seen as a “pull” technique designed to draw audiences in, e-mail is a “push” technique that reaches out to previous buyers to convince them to shop with us again.
Content marketing is an extensive term that includes content formats like blogging, infographics, courses and webinars, e-books, checklists, visual content, social media posts and countless more examples. The goal is to provide web users with information or enjoyment while helping to achieve the goals of the business.