One of the internet’s most common error messages, the 404 error, can take many forms. It might show up as “Error 404. The page you're looking for can't be found,” “the requested URL was not found on this server,” or simply “404 Not Found”. In all its variations, it’s the page web users land on when accessing a non-existent URL. So, what’s the meaning of 404 not found, and are 404 errors bad for SEO?
The truth is, 404 errors aren’t always a bad thing, and Google doesn’t expect you to have no 404s. However, when 404s result from an issue that impacts user experience, they need to be fixed.
What Does 404: Not Found Mean?
A "404: Not Found" error is an HTTP status code that indicates the server could not find the requested resource. This error typically occurs when a user tries to access a webpage that does not exist on the server. 404 errors can occur for several reasons, anywhere from an incorrectly typed URL to a misconfigured server. The server is reachable when a 404 error occurs, but the specific page the user is looking for is unavailable.
The Reasons Why 404 Errors May Occur

Are 404 errors bad for SEO? That depends on the reason for the message. The most common reasons web users stumble across 404s when they’re looking for something else include:
User errors
Often, entering a domain name with one digit missing or incorrect is enough to find yourself staring at a 404 error. Some website owners personalise the experience by showing a custom error page instead of the standard one. Others include a link to a more helpful page, such as an error code page, website homepage, or contact form.
Misconfigured servers
Sometimes, a web server isn’t properly set up to handle the requested URL or resource, resulting in a 404 error. To fix this, review the server configuration and make sure it’s loading the correct URL.
Moved or deleted resources
Web browsers use the existing URL structure to look up pages. When you remove or move files to other folders, users can attempt to access them using old URLs or broken links, leading to 404 errors. Providing a custom error page redirecting users to helpful information can reduce their frustration and bounce rate.
Internal broken links
As far as 404 errors are concerned, this is the worst kind for SEO. Internal broken links can make your site look less professional and provide a bad user experience. Broken links can affect the ability of search engines to index a site, and pages that aren’t correctly linked may be rendered unreachable. Regularly monitoring your website for broken links and fixing them as soon as possible will protect your site’s user experience and SEO rankings.
External broken links
External broken links can occur when another site has linked to your page incorrectly, the page was switched to a new URL, but the link wasn’t changed, or the page was deleted and no longer exists. Proper 301 redirects are the key to maintaining link juice in these situations.
Access restrictions
Not every resource is available to everyone. When a user attempts to access a part of the site that they’re not authorised to, the server returns a 404 error. This is normal and shouldn’t impact your SEO.
When Are 404 Errors A Bad Thing?

As we’ve established by now, it’s a misconception to think 404 errors are bad for SEO in every case. But there are certain situations when they’re problematic and can have a negative effect on your strategy. Here are some scenarios when a 404 error is a sign of trouble and also how to fix 404 errors for SEO:
When they’re from broken internal links
Broken links on your website are poor SEO and disappoint your users. The best way to maintain site satisfaction and keep your bounce rate down is to regularly crawl your website and update or fix any broken links. Tools like broken link checkers and analytics software are useful for crawling your website and bringing any issues to your attention.
When they’re from broken external links
Broken external links also lead to poor user experience and can undo the positive effects of having that backlink. Not every external broken link needs fixing, but addressing it helps you maintain strong relationships with users and external websites. Your most effective option for removing broken external links is to replace the link with a valid one or remove it completely.
When Are 404 Errors Normal?

There’s nothing you can do to prevent 404 errors entirely, and efforts like redirecting all 404s to your homepage will only be counterproductive. Sometimes 404 errors are normal and should be left alone, like in the following circumstances:
Useless URLs
URLs that no longer have any real purpose (e.g., those that lead to content that has been removed and not replaced) should stay as 404 errors. Fixing them can actually give web users a misleading impression.
User errors
A 404 error is a standard response when a user enters a URL incorrectly. It helps identify user errors and point them in a more appropriate direction.
Non-existent resources
404 errors prevent users from accessing pages and resources removed before the page’s launch.
Custom 404 pages
404 pages that help customers with useful information, navigation or contact details is a productive part of your website; there’s no need to change it.
How to Optimise 404 Pages

404 error pages don’t need to be a dreary and lifeless affair. Even your 404 error page can be optimised for better SEO and conversions. Some suggestions for improving the look, functionality and user experience of your 404 pages include:
Offer relevant recommendations
Use your 404 page to showcase some of your most highly recommended products and services.
Include user testimonials
A 404 page is also an opportunity to boost your brand by including user reviews and testimonials.
Provide contact details
You can also use a 404 page to include your own contact details or to collect phone numbers or email addresses from potential customers.
Redirect users to the right page
A 404 page can become an asset to your business by helping your users find what they’re actually looking for.
Show off your personality
Personalise your 404 error page with humour and creativity to keep your brand identity strong and help your customers remember you.
Learn the Best Practice for 404 Pages with Anchor
If you’re ready to remove unhelpful 404 pages but make the most of the useful ones, the Anchor Digital team can help you.
Anchor’s SEO services draw upon new developments in the industry while continuing to use techniques that have always worked. We take an integrated approach to different services like social media, link building, and content marketing, with a level of keyword research that you’d be hard-pressed to find from other agencies.
Behind the scenes, a lot goes into a helpful, functional website. Anchor’s web development services work on both the design and the development aspects to keep the finished product effective and user-friendly.
If you’d like to make your 404 errors work for and not against your business, contact the Anchor team.